- Letter from the Board of Directors
- Management report
- Key figures
- Foundations for success
- Business model
- Strategy 2030+
- Risk management
- Stakeholders
- TCFD report
- Sustainability
- ESG governance
- Material topics and SDGs
- Economic impact
- Environmental impact
- Social impact
- Governance
- Corporate governance
- Board of Directors
- Management Board
- Additional information
- Remuneration
- Remuneration report
- Notes to the report
- CO reference table
- Statement by the Board of Directors
- GRI content index
- Due diligence and transparency
- Financial report 2024
- Vetropack Group
- Consolidated balance sheet
- Consolidated income statement
- Consolidated cash flow statement
- Changes in consolidated shareholders’ equity
- Consolidation principles
- Valuation principles
- Notes
- Ownership structure
- Company participations
- Alternative performance measures
- Five-year overview
- Vetropack Holding Ltd
SustainabilityMaterial topics and SDGs
Our commitment to sustainability is based on the material topics and our greatest influence on attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The basis for this year‘s non-financial reporting is the materiality assessment undertaken in 2023. We also carried out a double materiality assessment during 2024, in compliance with the requirements of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). By doing so, we have laid the foundations for future reporting.
For the 2024 fiscal year, we are reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards and the requirements of the Swiss Code of Obligations (Articles 964a-c, CO). Our material topics provide the central basis for this purpose. We also align our strategic sustainability management with the material topics.
Identifying the material topics
We carried out a comprehensive reappraisal of the material topics in 2022. In this context, employees from different levels of the hierarchy and who perform various functions determined the ‘Financial materiality’ (risks and opportunities for our business) and the ‘Impact materiality’ (positive and negative impacts on the environment, society and the economy). For the 2023 reporting year, the Extended Management Board undertook a re-evaluation of the topics. The main focus here was on transparent reporting in accordance with the requirements of Swiss legislation. The CO reference table shows how our material topics are allocated to the non-financial matters stipulated by Swiss legislation (Article 964b, CO). These topics provide the foundation for this report.
Materiality matrix for the 2024 fiscal year
New material topics for the 2025 fiscal year
Vetropack carried out a materiality assessment in compliance with the requirements of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in the year under review. For this purpose, we involved large numbers of technical experts from various departments, and we conducted online surveys with the participation of around 120 stakeholders (shareholders, employees, suppliers, customers, consumers, legislators and associations). This double materiality assessment resulted in seven material topics. They will form the basis of our first reporting in accordance with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) for the 2025 fiscal year. To a large extent, the new material topics will be congruent with the existing topics. This confirms that our current sustainability management is focusing on the right key issues. In the Environment section, ‘Pollution’ will be added as a new topic. On the other hand, the ESRS do not recognise any economic topics. Going forward, therefore, we shall cover the relevant sustainability activities in other sections of the report.
Contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted in 2015 by the 193 member states of the United Nations, define the sustainability goals that should be pursued by states and companies throughout the world. We have allocated our current material topics to the SDGs in order to set our positive and negative impacts on the environment, society and the economy in the global sustainability context. In this regard, Vetropack focuses on those SDGs which our company has the greatest ability to influence.
By investing in our employees’ development, we intend to position ourselves as an Employer of Choice. We have a comprehensive learning infrastructure in place to promote continuous learning and foster our employees’ personal and professional development; through our positioning as a learning organisation, we contribute to the attainment of SDG 4.
Material topic:
Promote basic and continuing education and training
We promote diversity, equity and inclusion at all levels of the hierarchy. We respond to our employees’ needs, address inequalities, and pay fair salaries and wages. Transparent processes, together with policies and guidelines that apply throughout the Group, ensure non-discriminatory working conditions. This boosts our employees’ motivation and engagement.
Material topic:
Create a diverse and inclusive workplace environment
We adopt a responsible approach to water in our production processes, and we use water predominantly in closed loops. We systematically measure water withdrawal, water consumption and water discharge, and we implement local and global legal provisions.
Material topic:
Make responsible use of water resources
We create innovations with a material that has a long tradition. We use modern infrastructure and new technologies to manufacture our glass products. Innovations play a key part in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from glass production. We deploy digital solutions to make our processes more efficient and increase product quality.
Material topic:
Promote the latest technologies and drive innovations ahead
Our glass containers can be recycled an infinite number of times and they are reusable. From the health perspective, glass packaging is popular because its inert structure enables it to provide optimal protection for food and beverages, and it does not impair their taste or quality. This makes glass the ideal material to promote responsible consumer behaviour.
By advocating a high percentage of recycled glass in new products, we conserve natural resources and promote the circular economy.
Material topics:
Promote responsible consumption thanks to glass packaging suitable for the circular economy
Glass production is very energy-intensive. Greenhouse gases are emitted not only from the melting processes for the raw materials, but also from the extraction and production of these materials. At the same time, we make a significant contribution towards achieving SDG 13 by effective climate protection in order to implement our climate targets, which have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
Material topic:
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by following a science-based mitigation pathway
- Vetropack Group
- Corporate governance
- Governance
- Social impact
- Environmental impact