Notes to the report

Due diligence and transparency

Compliance with due diligence obligations in relation to conflict minerals

Vetropack Group has adopted and implemented a Supply Chain Policy on Conflict Minerals and Child Labour, which sets out how Vetropack Group deals with the issue of conflict minerals and how it implements the provisions of Swiss legislation (CO, DDTrO and Criminal Code) and the Regulation (EU) 2017/821 on Conflict Minerals. The goal is to ensure that no minerals or metals from conflict areas are processed within the Vetropack Group.

The Vetropack Group is exempt from the annual consolidated reporting and due diligence obligations in Switzerland because, in the calendar year 2024, (i) it did not place in free circulation or process in Switzerland minerals or metals containing tantalum, tungsten or gold, and (ii) regarding tin, it did not exceed the import and processing quantities set out in the DDTrO. The relevant annual checks have been conducted and documented in accordance with DDTrO.

The Vetropack companies in the EU are exempt from the annual consolidated reporting and due diligence obligations according to the Regulation EU 2017/821 on Conflict Minerals because, in the calendar year 2024, (i) they did not import into the EU minerals or metals containing tantalum, tungsten or gold, and (ii) regarding tin, it did not exceed the import quantities set out in the Regulation EU 2017/821 on Conflict Minerals. The relevant annual checks have been conducted and documented.

Compliance with due diligence obligations in relation to child labour

Vetropack Group adopted and implemented a Supply Chain Policy on Conflict Minerals and Child Labour, which sets out how Vetropack Group deals with the issue of child labour and how it implements the relevant provisions of Swiss legislation (CO, DDTrO and Criminal Code). The goal is to ensure that no products or services are offered that involve child labour, and that no children are employed or engaged within the Vetropack Group itself.

The Vetropack Group is exempt from the annual consolidated reporting and due diligence obligations because it did not offer any products or services in the calendar year 2024 for which there was a reasonable suspicion that they were manufactured or provided using child labour, either in its supply chain or in its own plants and operations. The relevant annual checks have been conducted and documented in accordance with DDTrO.