- Letter from the Board of Directors
- Management report
- Key figures
- Foundations for success
- Business model
- Strategy 2030+
- Risk management
- Stakeholders
- TCFD report
- Sustainability
- ESG governance
- Material topics and SDGs
- Economic impact
- Environmental impact
- Social impact
- Governance
- Corporate governance
- Board of Directors
- Management Board
- Additional information
- Remuneration
- Remuneration report
- Notes to the report
- CO reference table
- Statement by the Board of Directors
- GRI content index
- Due diligence and transparency
- Financial report 2024
- Vetropack Group
- Consolidated balance sheet
- Consolidated income statement
- Consolidated cash flow statement
- Changes in consolidated shareholders’ equity
- Consolidation principles
- Valuation principles
- Notes
- Ownership structure
- Company participations
- Alternative performance measures
- Five-year overview
- Vetropack Holding Ltd
Transparent processes and legally compliant business practices number among our basic principles. Ethical conduct is essential to maintain the trust of our stakeholders, and is therefore the basis for our long-term success. We require these high standards to be met throughout our entire value chain, and we carry out systematic inspections of our suppliers.
To embed awareness of ethical and legally compliant business practices in our corporate culture, we define binding requirements and issue instructions on conduct. Our Group-wide Code of conduct and Business ethics policy (BEP) provide central guidelines in this regard. We implement regular training and awareness-raising measures as appropriate to the various levels and topics.
Our most important principles are integrity, reliability, and transparency. Among the aspects included are safeguarding of human rights, ensuring fair competition, and combating corruption and bribery. Through our Supplier code of conduct together with systematic risk analyses, we ensure that our requirements are also met in the supply chain.
- Vetropack Group
- Corporate governance
- Governance
- Social impact
- Environmental impact