
Our strategy embraces five strategic thrusts, and Clearly sustainable is the first of them: it represents our ambition of becoming Best in Class in Sustainability in our industry by 2030. As we journey towards this destination, we are holding all areas and hierarchical levels of our company accountable; we are setting ourselves binding goals, and integrating sustainability into our business activities.

Our ambition is to position Vetropack as Best in Class in Sustainability in our industry by 2030. Our Clearly sustainable strategic thrust guides us along the path towards this goal.

We intend to be known for our innovative, ecologically compatible and socially acceptable manufacturing processes and our safe glass products of high quality. To protect the environment, we endeavour to conserve resources and water, close substance cycles, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Thanks to an inclusive corporate culture and development of our employees based on continuous learning, Vetropack should be appreciated as an Employer of Choice.

In keeping with Clearly sustainable, we are setting ourselves the following goals for our focus topics:

  • Climate protection: reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions 50.4 percent by 2032 from a 2021 base year and reduce absolute Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions (categories: purchased goods and services, capital goods, fuel- and energy-related activities, and upstream transportation and distribution) 30 percent by 2032 from a 2021 base year.
  • Resources: 70 percent recycled content by 2030
  • Water: targets to be set by 2025
  • Occupational health and safety: Group-wide TRIR* of 2.0 by 2030
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion: roadmap to be developed in 2025
  • Sustainable supply chain to be ensured

* Total Recordable Injury Rate

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