
Best Medium Workplaces™ 2021

The Vetropack Bülach site in Switzerland has been named as a Best Medium Workplace™. The award bears testament to the culture of trust between employees and managers and the fact that employees enjoy working for Vetropack.


Great Place to Work® has been collecting data for measuring workplace culture in organisations for more than 20 years. The Vetropack Bülach site in Switzerland was already named as a Great Place to Work® back in 2020. This award was attributable to the so-called Trust Index™, a specially designed anonymous survey spanning all employees up to management level, as well as the Culture Audit™ management survey.

Organisations looking to be certified amongst the Best Workplaces™ in Switzerland need to fulfil certain minimum requirements in their Culture Audit™. The Vetropack Bülach site in Switzerland, participating for the first time, ticked these boxes and achieved ninth place in the medium-sized companies category (50 to 249 employees). The list of best employers is published annually.

Mutual trust and empowerment

A business can be said to have an excellent workplace culture when employees trust their managers, are proud of their work and enjoy working with their colleagues. A Best Workplace™ understands how to foster an environment which helps employees hone their potential over the long term. This is primarily based on a high level of trust, which is achieved through the embodiment of values and leadership qualities. Every organisation can shape these aspects as they best see fit.

Empowerment means that the management trusts their employees without having to look over their shoulder at work. Best Workplaces™ know how to attract the best talents and put them to work whilst also boosting their skills and encouraging a sense of personal responsibility. A great work-life balance is also indispensable. This is achieved with the help of flexible working hours. Employees are only successful at work when the needs of both sides are met successfully.

Taking a people-centric approach

For Nuno Cunha, Chief HR Officer at Vetropack Holding Ltd, people are the top priority. “It’s a joy to work in an environment where people help each other. Teamwork isn’t just an empty buzzword here at Vetropack, it’s reality. Vetropack is a family-run business, and that feeling of family really is tangible throughout the whole company.”

Vetropack’s corporate culture is constantly evolving. Nuno Cunha notes that the digitalisation megatrend is also a milestone for Vetropack. “We are investing in new systems and tools aimed at reducing the complexities and administrative burdens associated with our processes. We offer our employees internal training courses so they can understand and harness the possibilities that these changes offer.”

“The prize is dedicated to all employees at the Bülach site and shall serve as an incentive for all other companies to be awarded this title.”

Johann Reiter

CEO of Vetropack