
6. Management Board's (MB) Remuneration

Audited Information

Only cash benefits were paid to members of the MB in 2019. No shares, options, loans and credits, additional fees or remuneration of any other kind were disbursed to either members of the MB, former members of the MB or persons closely associated with them. There are also no outstanding credits or loans.


Basic Salary


Pension/Social Security Contributions

Non-cash Benefits*


2019 MB Remuneration






Total MB

2 105 297

798 230

657 141

45 215

3 605 883

Highest level of remuneration **

535 000

302 626

176 059

6 925

1 020 610







2018 MB Remuneration






Total MB

1 911 032

623 523

578 987

32 220

3 145 762

Highest level of remuneration **

475 000

259 370

135 933

5 200

875 503

* Company car for personal use

** Johann Reiter, CEO

Marcello Montisci and his successor, Evan Williams, were on the MB between 1 June 2019 and 31 December 2019, the number of members temporarily increased from six to seven.

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