
Remuneration for the Management Board (MB)

Audited information

Only cash and non-cash benefits were provided to members of the MB in 2022 . No shares, options, loans, credits, additional fees or remuneration of any other kind were disbursed either to members of the MB, former members of the MB, or persons closely associated with them. Furthermore, there are no outstanding credits or loans.

in CHF

Basic Salary


Pension/Social Security Contributions

Non-cash Benefits*


2022 MB Remuneration






Total MB

2 331 028

925 297

825 024

56 126

4 137 476

Highest level of remuneration **

607 250

329 152

228 344

8 602

1 173 348







2021 MB Remuneration






Total MB

2 148 091

756 526

757 763

43 105

3 705 485

Highest level of remuneration **

600 000

244 863

229 875

7 285

1 082 023

* Company car for personal use

** Johann Reiter, CEO