- Challenges and market environment
- Business model
- Strategy
- Our focus: Clearly Sustainable
- Material topics and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Governance structure
- Organisation
- Performance review
- col1
- Introduction to the performance review
- Customers and suppliers
- Finances
- Innovation and intellectual property
- Production and products
- Employees
- Environment
- Financial report
- col1
- At a glance
- Financial Report of the Vetropack Group
- Consolidated balance sheet
- Consolidated income statement
- Consolidated cash flow statement
- Changes in consolidated shareholders’ equity
- Consolidation principles
- Valuation principles
- Notes
- Ownership structure
- Company participations
- Report of the statutory auditor on the consolidated financial statements
- Five-year overview
- col2
- Financial Report of Vetropack Holding Ltd
- Balance sheet
- Income statement
- Notes
- Board of Directors’ (BoD) proposal for the corporate profit appropriation
- Report of the statutory auditor on the financial statements
- Five-year overview
- Corporate Governance
- col1
- Introduction
- Board of Directors
- Management Board
- Remuneration and additional information
- Shareholders’ participation rights
- Auditors
- Information policy
- Blocking period
- Contact address
- Remuneration report
- col1
- Introduction to the remuneration report
- Principles of the remuneration scheme and its components
- Organisation and authorities for determining remuneration
- Description of the remuneration components
- Board of Directors’ (BoD) remuneration
- Management Board’s remuneration
- Comparison of remuneration disbursed with remuneration approved by the Annual General Assembly
- Shareholdings
- Report of the statutory auditor on the remuneration report
- Sustainability report
Audited information
reportRemuneration for the Management Board (MB)
Only cash and non-cash benefits were provided to members of the MB in 2022 . No shares, options, loans, credits, additional fees or remuneration of any other kind were disbursed either to members of the MB, former members of the MB, or persons closely associated with them. Furthermore, there are no outstanding credits or loans.
in CHF
Basic Salary
Pension/Social Security Contributions
Non-cash Benefits*
2022 MB Remuneration
Total MB
2 331 028
925 297
825 024
56 126
4 137 476
Highest level of remuneration **
607 250
329 152
228 344
8 602
1 173 348
2021 MB Remuneration
Total MB
2 148 091
756 526
757 763
43 105
3 705 485
Highest level of remuneration **
600 000
244 863
229 875
7 285
1 082 023
* Company car for personal use
** Johann Reiter, CEO
- col1
- col1
- Financial Report of Vetropack Holding Ltd
- col1
- col1