- Interview CEO
- Vetropack Locations
- Market environment offering opportunities and challenges
- Business model
- Strategy 2030
- Management Structure
- Organisation
- Col2
- Material Topics and Performance Review
- Customers and suppliers
- Finances
- Innovation and intellectual property
- Production and products
- Employees
- Environment
- Col3
- New designs
- Financial Report
- Col1
- At a Glance
- Financial Report Vetropack Group
- Consolidated Balance Sheet
- Consolidated Income Statement
- Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
- Changes in Consolidated Shareholders’ Equity
- Consolidation Principles
- Valuation Principles
- Notes
- Ownership Structure
- Company Participations
- Report of the statutory auditor on the consolidated financial statements
- Five Year Overview
- Col2
- Financial Report Vetropack Holding Ltd
- Balance Sheet
- Income Statement
- Notes
- Board of Directors’ (BoD) Proposal for the Corporate Profit Appropriation
- Report of the statutory auditor on the financial statements
- Five Year Overview
- Corporate Governance
- Col1
- Introduction
- Board of Directors
- MB Members
- Remuneration and Additional Information
- Shareholders’ Participation Rights
- Auditors
- Information Policy
- Contact Address
- Remuneration Report
- Col1
- Introduction
- Principles of the Remuneration Scheme and its Components
- Organisation and Authorities for Determining Remuneration
- Description of the Remuneration Components
- Board of Director’s Remuneration
- Management Board’s Remuneration
- Comparison of Remuneration disbursed with the Remuneration approved by the 2020 and 2021 Annual General Assembly
- Shareholdings
- Report of the statutory auditor on the remuneration report
- Sustainability Report
- Col1
- Sustainability Report
- Customers and suppliers
- Finances
- Innovation and intellectual property
- Production and products
- Employees
- Environment
- Col2
- Preparing and drawing up the invitations to the AGA jointly with the CEO.
- Drawing up the agenda for BoD meetings, and issuing invitations and relevant documentation jointly with the CEO.
- Chairing the AGA and the BoD meetings.
- Monitoring the implementation of resolutions passed by the AGA and the BoD.
- In urgent cases, the BoD Chairman can conclude transactions that fall within the competence of the BoD by executive decision. Any such actions are communicated in writing without delay to the BoD.
Corporate Governance
Board of Directors (BoD)
Principles Underlying the Voting Procedure for Members of the Board of Directors and their Terms of Office
The members of the Board of Directors of Vetropack Holding Ltd are each elected by the Annual General Assembly of shareholders (AGA) on an annual basis. Re-election is permitted. Each year, the AGA elects the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the individual members of the Nomination and Compensation Committee (NCC), who must be members of the Board of Directors, as well as the independent proxy. Their term of office shall end upon the conclusion of the next AGA. The BoD appoints the Chairman of the NCC.
BoD Duties
The BoD performs its duties as laid out in the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO) Art. 716a.
The BoD Chairman has the following additional main duties:
Respective Areas of Responsibility for the BoD and Management Board (MB)
The duties that are not reserved for the BoD in accordance with Art. 716a CO are delegated to the MB. This means that the MB can act freely within the guidelines laid down by the BoD, but it is also fully responsible for the operational management of the Group.
Working Methods
In 2020, the BoD exercised its overall supervisory and monitoring role by receiving oral and written reports from the MB at five regular annual meetings, by consulting amongst its members, and by reaching decisions in relation to any motions raised. Ordinary BoD meetings normally last at least four hours. The head auditor was invited to the March meeting to disclose the results of the external audit. Moreover, a two-day strategy meeting was held in August. During the November meeting, the results of the 2019 internal audit were discussed.
The BoD Chairman, the CEO and the CFO met regularly to prepare for BoD
meetings.They discussed operational topics, preparations for ordinary BoD meetings, as well as reports from internal audit. The BoD is regularly informed regarding the Group’s commercial state of affairs and planning via written Monthly, Semi-Annual and Annual Reports, and receives a planning dossier at both company and Group levels (three year plan). The Nomination and Compensation Committee (NCC) is responsible for checking the BoD and extended MB remuneration scheme. The working methods of the NCC are set out in the Remuneration Report. With the exception of the NCC, the BoD forms no committees.In his role as executive chairman, the BoD chairman sits on the supervisory bodies of all operating companies and participates in the steering committees of projects and initiatives of strategic importance. He also takes part in the annual management development reviews to discuss appraisals, continuing professional development and succession planning for management team members at all companies. He held fifteen meetings with the CEO in 2020 to monitor the management of business operations, discuss market trends and implement BoD resolutions.
Risk Assessment
Vetropack Holding Ltd utilises a risk management system that enables the identification, early recognition, and analysis of risks in order for the company to take appropriate action. The system’s scope includes strategic, operational, financial, and compliance risks. It covers not only Vetropack Holding Ltd’s risks, but also the key risks of its subsidiaries. All systematically identified risks are listed according to rank. This risk ranking system is formulated from a risk probability matrix. Management is actively involved in checking annually the matrix and in keeping it up to date. During the year under review, the Board of Directors dealt with the topic of risk assessment in its August meeting.
Board of Directors as per 31 December 2020
Rudolf W. Fischer, Pascal Cornaz, Jean-Philippe Rochat, Richard Fritschi, Claude R. Cornaz, Sönke Bandixen, Urs KaufmannBoD Members
Elected till
Claude R. Cornaz *
Chairman, executive
April 2021
Richard Fritschi *
Vice-Chairman, non-executive
April 2021
Sönke Bandixen
Member, non-executive
April 2021
Pascal Cornaz
Member, non-executive
April 2021
Rudolf W. Fischer *
Member, non-executive
April 2021
Urs Kaufmann
Member, non-executive
April 2021
Jean-Philippe Rochat
Member, non-executive
April 2021
* Members of the Nomination and Compensation Committee (NCC)
Claude R. Cornaz (1961, Buchberg SH)
Mechanical Engineer, ETH / BWI, Zürich, Switzerland
1987–1989 Management Services Contraves AG, Zürich, Switzerland1989–1993 Project Engineer, Nestec in Vevey, Switzerland and Thailand1993–1999 Head of Corporate Development and Head of Technology & Production Vetropack GroupSeit 1998 Member of the BoD, Vetropack Holding Ltd, Bülach, Switzerland2000–2017 CEO of Vetropack Holding Ltd, Bülach, SwitzerlandSeit 4/2018 Chairman of the BoD, Vetropack Holding Ltd, Bülach, SwitzerlandGoverning Mandates
Member of Bucher Industries AG, Niederweningen, Switzerland / Member of Dätwyler Holding AG, Altdorf, Switzerland / Vice-Chairman of H. Goessler AG, Zürich, Switzerland / Vice-Chairman of Cornaz AG-Holding, Oberrieden, Switzerland /Member of Glas Trösch Holding AG, Buochs, Switzerland
Richard Fritschi (1960, Oberrieden ZH)
Dipl. Controller SIB, Zürich, Switzerland
1979–1985 Various functions for Luwa SA, in Zürich, Switzerland and England1985–1987 Project Controller, Airchal-Luwa SA, Paris, France1987–1991 Head of Finance and Administration, Isolag AG, Zürich, Switzerland1991–1999 Head of Finance, Allo Pro / Sulzer Orthopädie, Baar / Winterthur, Switzerland1999–2001 Head of Sales, Sulzer Orthopädie/Sulzermedica, Winterthur, Switzerland2001–2003 President Europe / Asia / South America, Sulzer Orthopädie / Sulzermedica, Winterthur, Switzerland2003–2005 President Europe / Australasia, Zimmer, Winterthur, Switzerland2006–8/2011 CEO of Ypsomed AG, Burgdorf, Switzerland9/2011 present Board of Directors in various private and listed companiesGoverning Mandates
President of Cornaz AG-Holding, Oberrieden, Switzerland / President of Bibus Holding AG, Fehraltorf, Switzerland / Member of Fromm Holding AG, Cham, Switzerland
Sönke Bandixen (1957, Stein am Rhein SH)
Dipl. Mechanical Engineer, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, PMD Harvard Business School, USA
1984–1993 Various functions for SIG AG, as of 1990 MB Division Packaging Machines, Neuhausen am Rheinfall, Switzerland1994–1996 Vice President Marketing, Cosatec AG, Dübendorf, Switzerland1997–2003 CEO of Division Door Systems, Kaba Holding AG, Rümlang, Switzerland2007–2010 CEO of Orell Füssli Holding AG, Zürich, Switzerland2010–2011 Self-employed Management Consultant2012–2014 CEO of Landert Motoren AG, Bülach, Switzerland2015 present Self-employed Management ConsultantGoverning Mandates
President of Schweizerische Schifffahrtsgesellschaft Untersee und Rhein, Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Mayor of Stein am Rhein, Member of the Board of Trustees of the Jakob and Emma Windler Foundation, Stein am Rhein, Switzerland
Pascal Cornaz (1971, Les Paccots FR)
Dipl. Purchaser, Switzerland
1995–2005 Various functions in technical customer support, purchasing, and logistics, Switzerland2005–2007 Member of the Executive Board of Giovanna Holding SA, Clarens, Switzerland2008–2011 Member of the Executive Board and Head of Customer Service of Ginox SA, Clarens, Switzerland2012–2018 CEO of Diamcoupe SA, Cheseaux s. Lausanne, Switzerland2018 present Managing Partner, Ecurie Wirz Sàrl, Les Paccots, SwitzerlandRudolf W. Fischer (1952, Bergdietikon AG)
PhD. Economics. publ., University of Zürich, Switzerland
1982–1991 Various management positions in HR and Trade Marketing, Jacobs Suchard, Switzerland and Belgium1991–1994 CEO of Jockey (Switzerland), Uster, Switzerland part of the Austrian Huber Tricot Group (1991 & 1992), and Hanro AG, Liestal (1993 & 1994), Switzerland1994–1995 Partner Bjørn Johansson Associates, Executive Search, Zürich, Switzerland1996–2011 Schindler Management AG, Ebikon, Switzerland, Group Management Member, responsible for HR and Training2012–8/2016 Schindler Holding Ltd, Hergiswil, Switzerland, Member of the Board of Directors, Member of the Supervisory and Nomination Committee (full-time), Member of the Compensation Committee9/2016 present Schindler Holding Ltd, Hergiswil, Switzerland, Member of the Board of Directors, Member of the Compensation CommitteeUrs Kaufmann (1962, Rapperswil-Jona SG)
Dipl. Masch.-Ing. ETH / BWI Zürich, Schweiz
1987–1993 Project Manager, Production Manager and Head of Sales, Zellweger Uster AG, Uster and USA1994–present HUBER+SUHNER Group1994–997 Managing Director of Henry Berchtold AG, Kollbrunn, Switzerland1997–2000 Division Head and Member of Management Board2001–2002 Sector Head and Member of Executive Group Management2002–2017 CEO, since 2014 Delegate of the Board of Directors2017–present Chairman of the Board of DirectorsGoverning Mandates
Chairman of Schaffner Holding AG, Luterbach, Switzerland / Member of SFS Group AG, Heerbrugg, Switzerland / Member of Gurit Holding AG, Wattwil, Switzerland / Member of Müller Martini Holding AG, Hergiswil, Switzerland
Board committees of the Executive Committee of Swissmem and of the Schweizerischer Arbeitgeberverband (SAV)
Jean-Philippe Rochat (1957, Lausanne VD)
Lic. iur. University of Lausanne, Switzerland
1980–1984 Publicitas Ltd, Lausanne, Bern and Basel, Switzerland1984–1985 Fiduciaire Fidinter Ltd, Lausanne, Switzerland1985–1987 Legal internship in Geneva, Switzerland1987–1989 Lawyer, Pfyffer, Argand, Troller & Associates, Geneva, Switzerland1989–2015 Partner Lawyer at Carrard, Paschoud, Heim et Associés, Lausanne, Switzerland2015–present Partner Lawyer at Kellerhals Carrard, Lausanne, SwitzerlandGoverning Mandates
Member of Investissements Fonciers SA – La Foncière, Lausanne, Switzerland / Member of Vaudoise Holding SA, Lausanne, Switzerland / Member of Hochdorf Holding SA, Hochdorf, Switzerland
Honorary consul of Finland in Lausanne, Switzerland
Members of the BoD for Vetropack Holding Ltd do not sit with other BoD members on the boards of other listed companies, nor are there any business relationships between the BoD members and Vetropack Holding Ltd. Claude R. Cornaz, Rudolf W. Fischer, Jean-Philippe Rochat and Urs Kaufmann also act as directors of other listed companies as set out here.
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- Sustainability Report
- Col1
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- Col1
- Col1
- Material Topics and Performance Review